To the new website for Stormtree Studio.
Designed to be informational, educational and entertaining, brings you closer to the art and illustration of Stephen Mutsugoroh DiCerbo. It reveals the motivation and methodology behind it, and allows for a more in-depth understanding of the imagery and the artist. You are also afforded the opportunity to bring his work into your home and your lives and those of the people around you.
Enjoy yourself as you travel through these pages, and check back for active updates, listed here.
12/13/2023 Stormtree Studio .COM is moving strongly to integrating with the public artist profile of Stephen Mutsugoroh DiCerbo , brought to you by artwork archive.
to view Stephen’s works, visit:
for purchases, click on the purchase inquiry button and fill out the form. A reply will be made via email.
10/21/2023 I just finished a second group interview about Science Illustration for an NPR feature called the DaVinci Project.
Drawn to Water, Part 2: The Art and Science of Lakes and Streams May 20, 2023
I was first involved in this project in October of 2022. Here is a link to that interview. My thanks to Mark, Lucy, Elizabeth, and Frances for a great conversation. It runs about one hour.
Drawn to the Water , Part 1 October 15, 2022
04/17/2023 We have the first participants for the Gyotaku workshop offered in conjunction with the Exhibition… there are still 3 spots left in the studio . You can sign up here : July 15th Gyotaku Workshop at Stormtree Studio
04/17/2023 Great news the catalogue fundraising campaign is a success!!!
Kickstarter Fundraising Campaign for Exhibition Catalogue

The works of Stephen Mutsugoroh Di Cerbo
an exhibition of Prints Drawings and Paintings created from the experiences and vision of
an Adirondack fine artist and Science Illustrator and certified Japanese Gyotaku Printmaking Master
I would like to officially announce the coming of my solo show , “Ichthyography” featuring a large body of works including gyotaku prints, etchings, nature (botanical/insect) prints, pen and inks, and paintings. This will be an exhibition of my most recent works and an expression of my current artistic vision.
The show will be exhibited at the Ticonderoga Arts downtown gallery, 119 Montcalm Street in Ticonderoga, New York from Thursday June 15th – through Saturday July 8th, 2023 . There will be an opening reception at the Gallery on Friday, July 16th from 5 to 7 pm. All are welcome.
There will be a free public live demonstration and discussion of the history and art form of Gyotaku , or Japanese fish printing on Saturday afternoon, July 8, from 4-5:30pm.
In conjunction with the Ichthyography Exhibition, a full day, in person, workshop for introductory Direct Gyotaku (chokusetsu-ho) will be offered at Stormtree Studio in North Hudson from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, including all materials and lunch for $100 and $25 material fee per person.
Registration for the class can be made here:
Gallery viewing hours for this Exhibition will be Thursday – Sundays, 10 am – 4 pm
for more information about the exhibition or workshop, contact me at [email protected] or (518) 466-7004
There are some updates and temporary changes to the website shop… As I work on getting a new Giclee’ printer up and running, the inventory for reproductions will read as sold out. This may not actually be accurate and your favorite “print” may be available .. please email me directly at stephen @ stormtreestudio .com to inquire. the website will be updated to show inventory when we have gotten the process worked up.
As usual, please contact me with any questions, at (518) 466-7004.
12/05/2019 Signature Gyotaku Glicee’ Series announced !
12/01/2019 Limited time holiday sale on Gyotaku Originals ! $100 off
04/24/2019 The PBS TV station in the Capital region of New York State has completed a video interview of my Studio and my Work and will air tonight at 7:30 PM
you can see it online here..
08/26/2018 Added new Testimonial
04/08/2018 Added “press” page to the About menu drop down, to archived Newspaper articles and publicity.
12/03/2017 added to, revised and updated information about the process and history of Gyotaku, Japanese fish printing.
Revised the Gyotaku Gallery format.
12/10/2017 the website has a new group in the shop entitled “Miscellaneous” , where you will be able to find Calendars, Note Cards, Workshop manuals, and, well,… miscellaneous stuff..
The first product added is the first in a series of species specific Direct Gyotaku printing workshop manual, Micropterus salmoides – largemouth bass.