
About the Artist

Stephen DiCerbo grew up wandering about and exploring the Adirondack Mountain Region of upstate New York. Ever enchanted by the outdoor surroundings he seeks out, Stephen expresses this wonder of the natural world in the art he produces. He obtained an Associate of Science Degree in Fish and Wildlife Technology in the early eighties, and years later, pursued and completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Science Illustration.

He has traveled around the Northeastern United States and New England; North Carolina, Florida, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington State, Nova Scotia, and British Columbia in a quest for more knowledge and experiences in varied environmental settings.

He has also traveled to Japan and studied with a Master Gyotaku Printmaker, Mineo Ryuka Yamamoto to refine and advance his technique in Kansetsu-ho and Chokusetsu-ho Japanese Fish printing. After over 10 years of study with Sensei Yamamoto, he was honored with the title of Master Gyotaku printmaker and given the Artist’s name, Mutsugoroh.

Artist Statement:

“ It has been said that one of the greatest values of fishing is that it presents a never-ending series of opportunities for hope. In the same sense, the artistic subject matter of fish and the environs they inhabit provide me with unlimited variations of color and form to work with.
The pursuit of recreating a visual accounting of these creatures, as well as other of nature’s subjects, on paper and canvas offers me ongoing access to the learning process. It allows me satisfaction in bringing home to the observer a surge of excitement, a reflection on nature’s wonders, or an emotional touchstone connected to their own experiences in the wild. “

Currently, Stephen works out of Stormtree Studio in North Hudson, New York, in the Central Adirondack area, near the High Peaks region. He practices Natural Science Illustration as well as fine art and printmaking, specializing in Ichthyologic subject matter. He may be contacted at (518) 466-7004 or by email –

Web presence: Stormtree Studio Website , Stormtree Studio Facebook page