“I wish to again express how much I enjoyed your workshop – pizza included! You are a terrific instructor and I truly learned a lot, and enjoyed every minute.
I will look forward to your next workshop offering and will hopefully have some additional prints to bring along.” ~ Cathy McNulty

Nate Staples reviewed Stormtree Studio – 5 out of 5 stars
I spent an amazing day at Stormtree Studios with Japanese Master Gyotaku printmaker Stephen DiCerbo learning Kansetsu-ho (indirect printing), a slow detailed process for making gyotaku prints.
I am going to admit I was a little scared when I arrived but Stephen created a welcoming atmosphere where learning could take place. I am honored to have met and learned from such a great artist.
Your studio is such a welcoming place to learn, explore, and ask questions. Thank you for your patience, willingness to share, and instruction. So many breakthroughs yesterday… I look forward to coming out again in October. Thank you for showing me the path and being there to guide me…
Kimberly Boal reviewed Stormtree Studio — 5 out of 5 stars

Chuck Seaman, Master Gyotaku Printmaker Kaijin of South Hampton , NY reviewed Stormtree Studio – 5 out of 5 stars
Stephen DiCerbo, first titled Gyotaku Printmaking Master in North America by Mineo Rhyuka Yamamoto of the International Fish Printing Studio in Higashimatsuyama City, Japan, is an artist truly deserving of recognition.
Whether he is creating Gyotaku prints, Botanical prints, Pen and Ink Illustrations, or fine art paintings, his attention to detail and ability to render stunning images of nature is magnificent.
He is a top rate teacher, and his students and workshop participants are much enlightened for their experience of working with him.
My recently acquired Pen and ink images of Striped Bass and Rainbow trout are wonderfully executed, complete with the natural settings of the subjects.
I am very happy with my purchase, and these pieces will grace my walls, allowing me immense visual excitement and pleasure far into the future.
Dolores R Santoliquido reviewed Stormtree Studio — 5 out of 5 stars
Stephen is incredibly talented as both an artist and teacher. His beautiful prints are evidence of his training and ability as a master of his technique. Each print is mindfully hand pulled and painted with love and care!
Jessica Phelps Phillips reviewed Stormtree Studio — 5 out of 5 stars
Amazing workshop! So fun and interesting. We made a bunch of prints using large mouth bass then went through the process to fully complete one. They all came out very different but equally beautiful! Definitely glad I signed up for this class! Unbelievable art form for sure. Stephen is an awesome teacher!

Gail Guth reviewed Stormtree Studio — 5 out of 5 stars
August 21, 2016
I received my BEAUTIFUL Gyotaku print from Stephen DiCerbo! Thank you, Stephen! The framing is perfection, the colors and entire image are just gorgeous. I’m making a GNSI art wall, can’t wait!