Interested in learning the fine art of Gyotaku?
(a.k.a.-Japanese fish printing)
Master Gyotaku Printmaker Mutsugoroh (Stephen DiCerbo) teaches both Direct Gyotaku (Chokusetsu-ho) and Indirect (Kansetsu-ho) Gyotaku at Stormtree Studio, in North Hudson, NY. Three levels of instruction introductory, intermediate, and advanced.
We also teach techniques for wet mounting your prints on gallery wrapped canvas or colored background Washi paper, creating Nature Prints (botanicals and insects) and other various Art or Illustration methods.
Workshops at Stormtree Studio generally begin at 8 or 9 AM and last until 5 PM , or a bit later if desired. The day includes a break for lunch, which is provided… Wood fired Pizza when weather permits.
There are sometimes pre-scheduled workshops on set days , but you have the ability to arrange for private or small group workshops , on a day of your choosing. Contact Stephen to make arrangements.
If multiple day teaching is desired , we will help you locate nearby lodging and if needed, provide transportation to and from the studio or meal locations.
Enjoy the friendly and relaxed one on one or small group collaboration that envelops the learning process at Stormtree Studio.
Workshop Subjects:
1) Chokusetsu-ho (Direct style) Gyotaku
2) Kansetsu-ho (Indirect style) Gyotaku
3) Gyotaku Prints wet mounting and background washi.
4) Botanical and Insect wing printing
One day workshop instruction rate – base price is $100 + $35 for materials, per person. All materials necessary are provided, including the subject fish. Depending on experience level, the specimen size and species and Gyotaku method used, provided fish could possibly be utilized.
Individual private workshops may be slightly higher in cost.
Currently, 2024 workshops can be scheduled to suit the student.
Any scheduled workshops with space available may be listed here at a later date.
(please give minimum 10 days notification so that materials can be prepared) :
Use the form below or contact Stephen Mutsugoroh at (518) 466-7004 or email [email protected] to verify dates, or schedule your own workshop –
Planning a destination trip
Many folks are interested in taking more than one workshop , covering different methods. Taken in sequence, this approach is very helpful by allowing for a customized agenda of techniques geared toward a more complete experience and final product.
For instance you can follow up the beginning Direct Gyotaku (Chokusetsu-ho) workshop with one for creating backgrounds on Washi and wet mounting gyotaku prints.
Some folks like to incorporate both Direct and Indirect Gyotaku ( Chokusetsu-ho and Kansetsu-ho ) with a third day of backgrounds and wet mounting.
Let me help you put together a visit to the area and Stormtree Studio. There are many additional attractions and services throughout the year in the area. If you are looking for lodging in the area for your stay, we recommend staying at the Blue Ridge Motel. Be sure to let them know that you are here for a Stormtree Studio Workshop ! For a room rate discount , use code STORMTREE10. Workshop attendance will be verified.

Blue Ridge Motel Website
Send workshop inquiries to Stormtree Studio using this form –
Arigato! – Stephen Mutsugoroh DiCerbo

Indirect Gyotaku printing on silk